Esse erro deu na instalação do BlogEngine, no momento de postar um post, ocorre o erro
“Ooops! I can’t find the page you’re looking for
This one’s down to me! Please accept my apologies for this – I’ll see to it that the developer responsible for this broken link is given 20 lashes (but only after he or she has fixed this problem).
You can also try to search for the page you were looking for:”
Pra arrumar isso, no web.config da aplicação, procura a linha onde tem a tag “httpRuntime”, dentro dela, adicionar o seguinte
Vai ficar como isso
<httpRuntime enableVersionHeader=”false” useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl=”true” maxRequestLength=”16384″ executionTimeout=”3600″ requestLengthDiskThreshold=”16384″ requestValidationMode=”2.0″/>
Salva o web.config e faz um novo teste.